

Having trouble finding deals? Have some deals but want to increase your deal volume? Looking for a debt or equity partner?

We are the number one provider of distressed off-market real estate in the area. We work all of the local counties – Washoe, Carson, Douglas, Lyon, Storey, and Churchill. Just fill out the form below to be added to our Buyers List and get exclusive access to deals as soon as they become available.

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Do you work with Wholesalers?

Of course! Even if your deal’s not a fit for us, we probably know some who would want it. We also assist new wholesalers in closing their first deal. Please fill out the form below to receive our purchase criteria and to find out more about other ways we can work together.

Wholesaler Contact Form

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Do you have a deal we can offer on right now?

Monthly Meetup!

We host a meetup for real estate investors every month. This meetup is for investors of all skill levels. The information we talk about is actionable, relevant, and ranges in topics from flipping, wholesaling, rentals, marketing, funding, and more. Join the group here and we will see you next month!